DAF Dairy Team

Mark Bauer
Principle Extension Officer
B.App.Sc(Rural Technology)
Professional Experience
Mark has been involved in a range of agricultural industries, especially intensive production systems, for the last 25 years. Mark’s areas of interest are farm risk and business management, cow comfort, housing and adaption, feed base development, improvement and implementation at the farm level and differential feeding systems.
Amy Anstis
Research Scientist,
B Agr Sc (Hon)
Professional Experience
Amy has more than 13 years experience in research and extension particularly within the nutritional management field. Amy is involved in managing demonstration sites.
Marcelo Benvenutti
Research Scientist
PhD Animal Husbandry
M Science Ruminant Nutrition
Professional Experience
Marcelo has 25 years of research experience in Australia and Argentina. During the past 5 years, Marcelo has primarily worked on feedbase research and development. This included the development of grazing management strategies to increase both pasture intake and utilisation. Marcelo’s work also has included the development of forage management strategies to improve yield and quality of crops for silage in the context of water use efficiency.
Anthony Cootes
Technical Officer
Dip Agriculture
Professional Experience
Anthony works with the team to make sure trial work, such as the summer demonstration trial, get done. He is also involved with the dairy beef project and can be regularly found taking soil samples.
Kieran Ison
Senior Scientist – Dairy Farm Business Management, QDAS
B Ag Science
Professional Experience
Kieran is developing subtropical feeding systems by conducting and analysing trials into the effect of varying ration and grazing intake in a PMR diet. He is also involved in the data analysis of summer and winter forage demonstrations.
Ross Warren
Senior Extension Officer
B Agr Sc (Hon)
Professional Experience
Ross is a Dairy Extension officer being involved in all facets of dairy research and extension in Qld and northern NSW for the past 24 years. He is involved in the C4Milk and Resilient Farms projects.
Joanna Srhoj
Dairy Development Officer
B Ag Science
M Agribusiness
Professional Experience
Jo is based in north Queensland where she has many roles in the dairy industry. She is facilitating a dairy discussion group, working to increase pasture intake and supporting north Queensland extension efforts.
Ros DÁddona
Farm Business Resilience Program
Professional Experience
Ros is a part-time Dairy Extension Officer working mainly throughout the Scenic Rim and Lockyer Valley regions. Her main role is working with dairy farmers to develop their Farm Business Resilience Plans, part of the Queensland Government Drought Assistance program.
Wendy Wallen
Operational Officer
Professional Experience
Wendy has been part of the dairy team for 10 years, at first providing administrative support and now as an operational officer. Wendy provides operational support to the many forage trials and experiments, animal experiments and other dairy activities.