FeedPlu$ Feed Analysis Database v4.0

FeedPlu$4 Ver. 4.0 is a comprehensive feed analysis database that contains over 1000 individual feeds used in the dairy industry from Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales, including forages, concentrates, protein meals and by-products.

FeedPlu$4 Ver. 4.0 allows the user to select individual or groups of feeds from within a state and within a specific season. The average, minimum and maximum values are calculated for the selected feed/s. FeedPlu$4 Ver. 4.0 also includes a diet composition calculator, which is designed to allow farmers and advisors to asses the diet being fed to the dairy herd and compare to this to nutritional targets. However the diet composition calculator is not a diet formulation program.


How do I get a copy?

  1. Click on the button below and save the file to your computer. File size 2.3 MB.
  2. A new folder will be created “FP4Install”.
  3. Run the file “FP4Install.exe” in this folder and follow the prompts.
  4. Windows 95 and 98 users: If you have trouble running the program, download updated Data Access Components; after downloading run “mdac-typ.exe”